Request a speaker

Are you looking for a speaker for your local or regional meeting or conference that can illustrate the issues homeless individuals and families face in Southwest Louisiana?

Is your group or organization looking for clarification on what is being done in Southwest Louisiana to not only provide emergency assistance to the homeless individuals and families they encounter or work with, but especially what The Path Home is doing to change their lives permanently?

The Path Home and United Way of Southwest Louisiana teams were formed to address long-term change and more permanent resources for homelessness in the region. Although emergency resources are always necessary, especially during times of natural disasters or crises, the international and national communities are changing the focus and language toward better transitional housing than shelters and case-working the individual needs that are keeping someone from maintaining a home.

  • Educating your group about the local issues facing homeless individuals and families in Southwest Louisiana and the combining of resources by The Path Home in an effort to provide long-term resources.
  • National and state-level homelessness information, ideas and challenges.
  • Stand-alone training for staff, board members and volunteers – Agencies receiving grant funds through The Path Home RFP process will find more success when everyone involved in the organization understands the goals and desired outcomes.

Please fill out the information below and The Path Home team will get back with you.